Our farm is located in central Madison County, Ohio, next to Bradford Creek. We are one half hour west of Columbus, 50 min. east of Dayton/Springfield and one and a half hours north East of Cincinnati. The family farm is 365 acres that consists of corn, beans, wheat, rye, hay and pastures.
We have a small herd of Angus cows that calve (give birth) in the spring. These calves that are born on the farm never leave until the day of their harvest. We have a quickly growing sheep herd that we use for vegetation management on our farm as well as solar sites in the county. We have a limited supply of lamb available for purchase annually as well.
We are dedicated to protecting the environment we all live in. Through the use of rotational grazing and cropping we protect the soil while improving it. Whenever we can, we use cover crops (between cash crops) to catch nutrients that could otherwise run off the field and into a stream.
Natural Osage Angus Beef was an idea first thought of while my wife, Kristin, and I attended college and though many of our ideas, ideals and even our farm name, have changed over the years our core beliefs have not. We believe that animals should be raised without added hormones, for the animals’ benefit and the consumers. We believe that they should not receive antibiotics to keep them healthy, they should be raised in an environment that keeps them naturally healthy. We believe that animals should be fed an all vegetarian diet – cattle and sheep are herbivores (plant eating critters) and it is not right to force them to eat meat, bone meal, fish meal, or even chicken manure (yes, all of this has been done to cattle by man).
We are in the process of making (and have made) alot of changes on the farm. One of these changes was from Natural Osage Angus Beef to Food Raised Right, LLC several years ago. So the original name of Natural Osage Angus Beef just didn’t fit our farm anymore, it’s not all that we do even though it’s a large part of it. What we do is raise food the way it was meant to be raised, in an ethical way for our friends, our livestock and everyone’s environment.